About Us


About Us – Greater Melbourne Surveyors

We have over 20 years experience in land and aerial surveying. We have the expertise to enable successful completion of your project or development.

Title re-establishment surveys and sign off of subdivision plans can only be legally undertaken by a licensed surveyor in Victoria. Our plethora of knowledge is available to assist you.

  •  Efficient and Reliable
  •  Quality Service

Arthur Xanthis

Managing Director/ Licensed Surveyor

Arthur Xanthis

Arthur Xanthis has over 20 years experience in surveying and land development. As a Licensed surveyor he has a plethora of knowledge in the land tenure system and the development process. Arthur has a passion in assisting clients to resolve complex Title boundary issues and enable clients to capture the full value of their land.
Arthur consults together with Council, Authorities and Land Use Victoria to effectively and efficiently complete development projects.Qualifications and Affiliations:

  • – Bachelor of Applied Science (Surveying)
  • – Licensed Surveyor (Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria)
  • – Member of the Institute of Surveyors Victoria (MISVic)
  • – Sponsor of Surveying Task Force Inc.

Member - Institute of Surveyors Victoria (ISV)