Consolidation is the process by which two or more contiguous parcels of land are consolidated into a single parcel. This may be very advantageous, especially when it comes to the development of property estates and land use. This paper provides a summary of consolidation in Melbourne and how Greater Melbourne Surveyors can help navigate property owners through the process.
The Benefits of Land Parcel Consolidation in Melbourne
1) Enhanced Development Potential
The aggregation of abutting properties in Melbourne is usually the initial process in which large and more elastic spaces are shaped. When several landowners pool their lots, the developers have more freedom in planning their layouts, be it a continuous residential area or a large industrial site. This is particularly useful in the high-demand zones where individual plots for big construction are hard to come by since consolidation means that large chunks of land are available for single use.
2) Cost Savings on Land Taxes
One of the direct advantages of consolidation in Melbourne is the prospect of lowering land taxes. Squash merging a number of small properties into one single land can enable the owner to obtain certain tax advantages, as it is often the case that several charges are higher than those of a single large parcel. Furthermore, Title consolidation may also help to address the tax requirement in a clearer manner allowing for a more flexible payment mode and, therefore, less expensive.
3) Improved Land Value
Regular parcels of land are more attractive to potential buyers or investors due to their versatility in terms of development plans. The upward trend in the market value in Melbourne can therefore be considered positive for property owners who might want to sell or lease their land, as this will enable them to consolidate. Moreover, the structure and style of a single Title are usually more suitable for developers because they erase any legal ambiguity and make management easier.
4) Streamlined Planning Approvals
Gaining a planning permits can be quite challenging for landowners, especially where they own several parcels of land. However, this can be eased by consolidating approvals under one Title, which, in most cases, speeds up construction and development approval. Greater Melbourne Surveyors also assists its clients in determining which legal and regulatory procedures need to be complied with so as not to lag on other paperwork and applications.
The Land Consolidation Process with Greater Melbourne Surveyors
This consolidation process, therefore, requires the services of professional land surveyors. Greater Melbourne Surveyors can assist clients with the entire consolidation process while keeping in mind the laws of Melbourne. The typical steps for land consolidation in Melbourne include:
1) Application Preparation
The first process is the collection of all legal documents, property, and ownership papers. A collection of Title deeds, together with other related documents, is required in the process by which Greater Melbourne Surveyors help clients prepare to meet all the necessary necessities. Some of the team’s previous experience includes understanding Melbourne’s land regulations; hence, they can check and ensure that nothing has been left out.
2) Surveyor’s Report Preparation
In some cases, surveyors’ reports may be necessary at the time of consolidation application. This entails a geographical survey of the property to determine the demarcation in relation to property and the law. To achieve this, Greater Melbourne Surveyors undertakes a field survey or follows the non-survey guidelines as provided below. This report is necessary when applying for a new consolidated Title that allows for a legally correct and accurate map of the merged land.
3) Lodging the Application Through SPEAR
In Victoria, for instance, consolidation applications are lodged electronically through the SPEAR (Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals) system. This platform enables handling government and local councils’ affairs submissions and approvals. Greater Melbourne Surveyors deal with the submission of the application and liaise with the authorities to acquire the necessary approvals.
4) Council Certification and Title Registration
Once the application is approved, the consolidated Title plan has to be certified by the local council. Greater Melbourne Surveyors provide necessary documentation to the council and are also responsible for this process. After certification, the plan is forwarded to Land Victoria to produce a new Title, which, in effect, unifies the land parcels into one whole property.
Consolidation is particularly of significant benefit in Melbourne, where the benefits of tax incentives, value addition of the properties, and streamlined planning services are evident among the land owners and developers. Hiring the services of professional surveyors such as Greater Melbourne Surveyors guarantees that a client will have process completed in the shortest time possible, thus exploiting the full potential of the piece of land in question. For use in residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, consolidating the land is a wise decision that is good for property development and land distribution.